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Reading Is Fundamental
Provides activities and distributes books that promote and stress the fun, joy, and necessity of reading.



Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence
Designed for males ages 11-18, EMBODI addresses issues related to STEM education, culture, self-efficacy, leadership, physical and mental health, healthy lifestyles choices, character, ethics, relationships, college readiness, fiscal management, civic engagement and service learning.

Delta GEMS


Delta GEMS (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) was created to catch the dreams of African-American adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the framework to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude.


The goals for Delta GEMS are:

• To instill the need to excel academically
• To develop effective written and oral communication skills
• To encourage self-confidence, self-motivation, and self-discipline
• To foster meaningful public service; including mentoring and networking
• To assist with the exploration of various career paths and means for         

   obtaining them
• To support talents in academics, technology, sports, and fine arts

The Delta GEMS program offers a road map for college and career planning through activities that provide opportunities for self-reflection and individual growth. Delta GEMS participants have the opportunity to define and “Discover their individual Brilliance!”

Delta Academy

Delta Academy.jpg

The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy was created to serve as a catalyst for academic excellence in our adolescent girls ages 11-14, and guide their positive dreams and aspirations to a successful future. The goals of the program are: 

- to save our girls from mediocre academic achievement and low self-esteem. 

- to demonstrate the relevance to a girl's future of scholarship in areas of math, science, technology and non-traditional careers;

-to develop leadership skills in our girls through service learning projects;

-to expand the thinking of our girls about possible careers and educational goals that include science, math, and technology. 

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter | Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

P.O. Box 60733  |  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17106 


For more information, visit our national website at

For more information, visit our Eastern Region's website at

© 2024 by Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Proudly created by 10.30 Designs, LLC

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